Looking after your boiler and making sure it is working efficiently is the most effective thing you can do to ensure you’re saving money on your energy bills. The majority of your energy bill will cover your home heating, and so making sure your boiler is running at peak performance is key. In this blog, our experts will cover what makes an efficient boiler, as well as some of the steps you can take to get the most out of your boiler and save money.
What Makes an Efficient Boiler?
Boiler efficiency mainly comes down to the model of your boiler – most newer units are designed to be more effective and save money in the long run. The most efficient boilers on the market generally use less energy to produce the same output, therefore costing you less. For most newer homes of small to medium size, combi boilers tend to be the most efficient option, however our boiler experts will be able to provide
As well as efficient boilers being beneficial for you in terms of finance, they are also helpful for the environment. By ensuring boiler efficiency, you are also lowering your carbon footprint as you are using less energy to heat your home.

How to Maximise Boiler Efficiency
Thankfully, there are plenty of ways in which you can save money and maximise boiler efficiency without simply going without heating and hot water. As previously mentioned, most newer models are designed with efficiency in mind, but the importance of the following steps still remains – looking after your boiler from the very beginning of its life in your home will help it last longer, saving you money on repairs and replacements in the future.
1. Take care of your unit: This goes without saying, but you must keep your boiler well maintained if you want to make the most of the money you are paying for it. Keep your boiler as dust-free as possible to prevent its tubes and pipes from getting clogged up – this can be done quickly by wiping the exterior unit every once in a while. The interior of your boiler may also need cleaning occasionally, but it is important to leave this to the experts for safety purposes.
2. Get your unit serviced annually: An annual service will ensure there are no serious problems with your boiler that could cause you to be out of pocket due to regular repairs. It will also give you peace of mind to know that your unit is working to the best of its ability.
3. Look after your radiators: Try to remember to bleed your radiators regularly. This will not only improve the heat efficiency of each radiator, but also save you on heating costs as you will likely need to leave your boiler on for less time. To work out whether your radiators need bleeding, check how long they are taking to heat up. If it is longer than usual, or if there are any cold spots, it might be worth bleeding them or seeking help from a qualified engineer.
4. Ensure effective pipe insulation: Having well insulated pipes can make sure your boiler does not work too hard when it comes to spreading the heat around your home. Central heating pipes can be insulated with foam to improve overall boiler efficiency.
5. Top up your boiler pressure: You should be able to locate a pressure gauge on your unit. A significant pressure drop (to below 1.5) may be impacting your boiler efficiency, so make sure to check this frequently and top up the pressure when necessary. Please see this guide on how to repressurise your boiler yourself, or contact our engineers to help you.
6. Upgrade: If nothing seems to be helping your boiler become more efficient, perhaps it is time to consider an upgrade. Particularly if you are living in an older home, or you have a system or regular boiler that has been running for several years, a new, energy efficient combi boiler could be your money-saving solution.
If you’re concerned about your boiler efficiency and are looking to save money in the coming months, it might be time to upgrade your unit. Get a boiler quote with Bbright today and we’ll provide you with a personalized boiler unit recommendation based on your current model and requirements..